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So far LandscapeExpert has created 95 blog entries.

A Tropical Garden Landscape

By |2021-05-26T10:43:14+00:00September 27, 2010|Planning & Design|

Many gardeners are astounded at the appearance of tropical landscapes and plants in the most unlikely places. It's perhaps understandable in the very southernmost parts of the United Kingdom but many tropical plants can be grown successfully further north, as long as the growing sites are carefully selected and care [...]

Miniature Rivers and Canals for the Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:14+00:00September 27, 2010|Planning & Design|

We've covered water features and ponds in the garden in another article, including fountains and waterfalls. Here we're going to expand the topic to include more complex water features that involve moving water about the garden. These can take the form or a stream, river, small canal or rill. The [...]

Turf or Seed for a New Lawn?

By |2021-05-26T10:43:14+00:00September 27, 2010|Soft Landscaping|

Lawns have been a focal point for landscape gardening for centuries, whether they are neatly striped, billiard-table flat lawns behind a house or the rolling expanses of parkland made popular by Capability Brown and his followers in the eighteenth century. Lawns Losing Popularity If you are coming toward the end [...]

Can You Fell That Tree in Your Garden?

By |2021-05-26T10:43:14+00:00September 22, 2010|Landscape Managing|

Increasingly trees are being protected by local authorities, either individually or on a blanket basis, and you need to be sure you have the right permissions before felling a tree. Failure to do so may bring a fine of up to £20,000 so it's worth doing your homework. Tree Felling [...]

Using Garden Design Software

By |2021-05-26T10:43:14+00:00March 24, 2010|Planning & Design|

Garden design software used to be the province of professional gardeners and landscapers but such is the ferocious march of technology that excellent packages are now within easy reach. An ordinary modern PC is perfectly capable of handling the load of 3D renditions and the price of garden design software [...]

Will I Need Planning Permission for Landscaping Plans?

By |2021-05-26T10:43:14+00:00March 23, 2010|Planning & Design|

When most of us thing about landscaping a garden we're thinking of a bit of planting here, perhaps a deck or a terrace there. The thought of planning permission would probably never enter a gardener's mind. But there are some circumstances when planning permission might be required. Specialist Situations with [...]

Large Area Garden Landscaping

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00March 19, 2010|Soft Landscaping|

Most of the time when we think about landscape gardening we're thinking of ordinary gardens, the type that any normal family would have behind their house. But there are places that have much larger gardens, or perhaps paddocks or fields joining their property. What are the considerations when you are [...]

Creating an Earth Bank for Privacy: A Case Study

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00March 3, 2010|Case Studies|

Most of the projects we’ve covered on Landscape Expert are the kind of landscaping that ordinary mortals might do in their own gardens. But there are landscape projects of a different kind, those on a huge scale. We take a look at one such project where the big diggers were [...]

Planting for Noise Prevention: A Case Study

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00March 3, 2010|Case Studies|

The nuisance presented by noise is becoming more of a problem in today's society and the part that landscaping can play in deflecting noise is beginning to be recognised and appreciated. Of course trees and shrubs aren't going to keep out noise as well as a nice thick wall, but [...]

Small Scale Vegetable and Herb Growing

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00September 10, 2009|Vegetable Garden|

Growing vegetables and herbs on a small scale is perfectly possible for people who have little or no outside space but it does need a bit of creativity and some care with planting around the seasons. Here we'll run though a few ideas that might start you thinking about growing [...]

Ramps and Paths for Wheelchair Access

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00September 10, 2009|Hard Landscaping|

Adding ramps and paths that allow wheelchair users to access a garden is getting more common. Wheelchair access for private gardens can be tricky particularly if there are steep gradients on the plot, but the body of knowledge on accessibility is growing all the time and there are plenty of [...]

Professional Gardening Care

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00September 4, 2009|Landscape Managing|

Many householders get great enjoyment out of garden care. They enjoy creating, developing and maintaining their garden and professional garden care is something they wouldn't even contemplate. But for every one of those people there are many others who either don't have the time to spend on garden care, or [...]

Should You Hire a Garden Designer?

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00September 3, 2009|Planning & Design|

Many people think that the idea of hiring a garden designer is pie in the sky, something for those who have more money than sense. But that's not always the case and the popularity of garden design, led by TV shows and glossy magazines, has made the idea more accessible. [...]

Hard Landscaping With Reclaimed Materials

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00August 20, 2009|Hard Landscaping|

It makes a lot of sense to re-use reclaimed materials for hard landscaping in the garden. New regulations now make builders responsible for disposing of building waste and while there's no real market for many of these materials the temptation to throw them away or, worse still, fly-tip them, is [...]

What Cleaners Are Safe to Use on Decking Near Water?

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00April 29, 2009|Ask Our Experts|

It's good to see people taking a responsible attitude to their responsibilities in making sure that cleaning their decking doesn't damage the surrounding environment. Cleaning, in particularly to stop the decking becoming slippery, should be a mixture of brushing and washing. Causes of Slippery Decking The slipperiness is caused by [...]

What Fast Growing Fence Covering Plants Are There?

By |2021-05-26T10:43:15+00:00March 19, 2009|Ask Our Experts|

There's a big choice of climbing plants to choose from and many of them have been bred to make them hardy for our climate. It is worth saying that the advice of a local garden centre would be invaluable if you are in a very northerly or exposed part of [...]

Raised Beds for Vegetables

By |2021-05-26T10:43:16+00:00February 27, 2009|Vegetable Garden|

Raised bed gardening has a lot of benefits for many people and can increase the production capacity of a garden so if you are embarking on a garden landscape project that will include fruit or vegetable planting it's well worth considering them. Raised Beds Benefit Gardeners and Gardens The main [...]

Garden Structures For Soft Fruit

By |2021-05-26T10:43:16+00:00February 25, 2009|Vegetable Garden|

Landscape gardening can encompass fruit and vegetable as well as ornamental plants and trees. With the economic climate cooling many more people are turning to producing their own food in their gardens, so if it can be blended in with the ornamental aspects of a garden then so much the [...]

High Density Vegetable Growing

By |2021-05-26T10:43:16+00:00February 24, 2009|Vegetable Garden|

If you're serious about vegetable production then your garden landscape plan could include a polytunnel, a giant version of a cloche that's big enough to stand up in. Like a greenhouse, but significantly cheaper, this large tunnel of hoops covered in taut translucent plastic sheeting makes plants of all kinds [...]

Separating Vegetables from Flowers

By |2021-05-26T10:43:16+00:00February 24, 2009|Vegetable Garden|

Landscaping a garden so that there is a separate area for vegetables is an aesthetic and practical choice rather than a horticultural one. Although there are benefits to having flowers and vegetables in the same area, benefits we'll talk more about later on, not everyone wants to look out of [...]

Low Maintenance Planting Schemes

By |2021-05-26T10:43:16+00:00December 10, 2008|Low Maintenance|

While the hard landscaping elements tend to set the scene and define the overall structure of the low maintenance garden, like any other garden, the whole thing only really comes to life with the addition of plants. As a quick visit to any local garden centre makes very clear, there’s [...]

Designing for Low Maintenance

By |2021-05-26T10:43:16+00:00December 9, 2008|Low Maintenance|

Although there are many ways to approach low maintenance gardening, there is one feature which is common to all of them – the most successful designs make good use of hard landscaping and easily maintained plants which require little effort to look good. For the modern gardener, advances in the [...]

Planning A Town Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:16+00:00September 15, 2008|Ask Our Experts|

Although designing the perfect town garden can be challenging, with a little care and imagination, even the smallest and apparently least promising bit of urban space can be transformed. Although the town garden is often fairly small and often heavily overlooked, its role as a private oasis amid the urban [...]

Dealing With Shade in Your Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00September 15, 2008|Landscape Managing|

While the contrast between light and shade is an inevitable and attractive part of the landscape and can add a feeling of depth interest to any garden, too much shade can be a problem. Many plants simply won’t tolerate being left in the dark for the greater part of the [...]

Planning A Wildflower Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00September 13, 2008|Planning & Design|

Wildflowers occupy a particular place in landscape design and for most of us there seems to be something rather appealing about a profusion of native plants growing in a natural setting. For many people, the idea of being able to enjoy the feel of the countryside within their own garden [...]

Planning A Play Area in Your Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00September 12, 2008|Planning & Design|

Having a play area in the garden is an absolute must if you’ve got small children – there’s no better way for youngsters to get out into the fresh air than providing them with their very own play ground to explore. Planning how to incorporate some child-friendly ideas into the [...]

Dealing With Drought in the Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00September 12, 2008|Landscape Managing|

According to the predictions, climate change means that Britain is due to see some serious changes in rainfall patterns over the coming years, which means we’re all going to have to get used to the two opposite extremes of flooding and drought happening a lot more often. Despite all the [...]

The Right Garden Tools For Landscape Management

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00June 19, 2008|Landscape Managing|

Winston Churchill once famously remarked “give us the tools and we will finish the job”, but when it comes to buying garden tools, sometimes we can be so spoilt for choice that it is difficult to know which ones to choose to get the job done. From lawn management to [...]

Using Garden Furniture Creatively

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00May 7, 2008|Landscape Managing|

Garden furniture has come a long way from the days when deck chairs and plastic sun-loungers were pretty much the only option. The rise of the whole “outdoor room” concept, which has witnessed the patio, terrace or decking area seen as an extension of the living space has driven a [...]

Using a Garden Outbuilding as an Office

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00May 7, 2008|Outdoor Buildings|

With the advent of telecommuting and broadband connectivity, a home office has become a part of the working lives of a growing number of people – and not just the self-employed or artists. While the spare room is one option, using an outbuilding in the garden is an alternative which [...]

Designing a Garden to Boost Your Home’s Security

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 28, 2008|Planning & Design|

Although we would all really rather not think about it, the fact remains that home security is for most of us, sadly, a very real concern – and when a house is broken into roughly every thirty seconds in the UK, it is scarcely something that is easy to ignore! [...]

Planning a Formal Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 28, 2008|Planning & Design|

Formal gardens are the triumph of human order superimposed on nature, the underlying message being one of control and restraint, with the shape and form of the planting scheme reflecting symmetry and geometric perfection. Deliberately created to be far from the random, wild beauty of nature in the raw, the [...]

Planning a Stylised Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00February 28, 2008|Planning & Design|

Although traditional gardening falls largely into the well-know divisions of “formal” and “informal”, the stylised garden is a type of landscape design which has been growing in popularity in recent years and which does not fit into either category entirely comfortably. Often somewhat airily described as being more akin to [...]

Topiary and Routine Tree Pruning

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00February 28, 2008|Landscape Managing|

Few aspects of gardening arouse such passions as topiary – and love it or loathe it – you have to admit it is a very skilful part of the gardener’s art. Once traditionally used almost exclusively to produce strong architectural forms to reflect the geometric order of formal garden designs, [...]

Understanding Soil and Soil Structure

By |2021-05-26T10:43:17+00:00February 28, 2008|Landscape Managing|

Soil is a surprisingly complex material, made up from a collection of fine mineral particles and varying amounts organic matter, containing quantities of air and water along with a surprising array of worms, insects and other living things. The precise mix of any soil defines its character while its physical [...]

Water Conservation and Recycling

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 27, 2008|Landscape Managing|

The increased frequency of summer water shortages over recent years, coupled with a growing awareness of the wider need to conserve water resources has led to many gardeners adopting a number of measures to cut down on the amount they use. While some of these are relatively new, others, such [...]

Understanding Microclimates in Your Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 27, 2008|Landscape Managing|

While the weather in the region where you live obviously forms the principle influence that climate has on what you can grow, sometimes aspects of your house and garden can create a local mini-climate, which can make a surprising difference to the plants which will thrive. A range of factors [...]

Dealing with Slopes and Changes in Level

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 27, 2008|Landscape Managing|

Slopes can add a feeling of life to the garden, especially when they are incorporated into the overall scheme, becoming useful features in themselves, rather than simple accidents of geography. A completely flat piece of ground may well be a joy to cultivate – and mowing a level lawn is [...]

Designing the Informal Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 27, 2008|Planning & Design|

The best sorts of informal gardens are those which look almost as if nature herself has had a hand in their construction, lending a softness and gentleness to a design that, although clearly is artificial, looks as thought it might not have been. Informal gardens play to that slightly schizophrenic [...]

Planting for Structure, Shape and Form

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 21, 2008|Soft Landscaping|

Plants for the garden tend to get chosen for the colour of their flowers, foliage or berries, but this is far from the only thing you might want to consider when it comes to the selection, particularly if you are looking to create a strong focus. Structure, shape and form [...]

Planting for Year-Round Interest

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 21, 2008|Soft Landscaping|

Although gardens are inevitably at their peak and most showy during the period from late spring through to mid- to late summer, with a little planning, it should be possible to provide interest throughout the changing seasons. Picking plants to bring new sights and appeal to each successive stage in [...]

Ground Cover for Low Maintenance Gardens

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 21, 2008|Soft Landscaping|

Although carpeting the ground with dense groupings of low-growing plants is principally about reducing the amount of weeding needed to keep beds looking good, using ground cover can contribute to the low maintenance garden in others ways too. In addition to being functional, well chosen and carefully planted ground cover [...]

Working with Lawns and Grassland

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 21, 2008|Soft Landscaping|

Grass is such a well established feature of gardens that it can often be almost invisible – overlooked, except when it becomes necessary to roll out the lawn-mower for its regular cut. The type of grass and the way in which it is used within the overall landscaping scheme makes [...]

Planning Access and Services for Your Outdoor Building

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 21, 2008|Outdoor Buildings|

Although thinking about paths and power supplies may seem a little dull after the excitement of choosing your new building and deciding where you plan to site it, they have a very large influence on the overall success of the whole project. Planning for these key factors is essential from [...]

The Importance of Good Garden Design

By |2021-05-26T10:43:19+00:00February 21, 2008|Planning & Design|

Although some beautiful gardens have been created without any initial overall plan, evolving over the years as different elements were introduced and changes made, in general most people work to some kind of “scheme” – even if it is not a particularly detailed one. Whether you are setting out to [...]

Making the Most of a Small Plot

By |2021-05-26T10:43:19+00:00February 21, 2008|Planning & Design|

Many modern houses stand in a relatively small plot, which can pose a few challenges when it comes to producing a garden design to make the most of the available space. Since many new-build developments leave bare soil, all the landscaping work is entirely down to the first owners, but [...]

Using Plants for Colour and Texture

By |2021-05-26T10:43:18+00:00February 21, 2008|Soft Landscaping|

Working with the colour and texture of the huge variety of plants available is one of the fundamentals of garden design – and one of the most effective ways to provide a major impact. It is an area which offers gardeners unrivalled opportunity to indulge their personal tastes with their [...]

Planning a Drought-Resistant Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:19+00:00February 18, 2008|Planning & Design|

It is one of the most bizarre ironies of the British climate that despite what seems like torrential rain and flooding for half the year, the spectre of hose-pipe bans looms large for so many areas of the country come the summer. Whether the reason for this apparent paradox is [...]

Designing a People-Orientated Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:19+00:00February 15, 2008|Planning & Design|

Although in one sense, all gardens are people-orientated, some designs quite deliberately set out to go beyond simply reflecting the gardening efforts of their owners. There are any number of reasons why the layout of the space might be decided by the particular needs of homeowners, ranging from the changing [...]

Give Your Garden the Exotic Look

By |2021-05-26T10:43:19+00:00February 15, 2008|Planning & Design|

In the cool and frost-prone climate of Britain, to grow many of the lush, tropical and sub-tropical plants there’s no way round the fact that you are going to need a heated greenhouse or conservatory. However, if it’s more the general look of warmer lands that you are after – [...]

Assessing Your Existing Garden

By |2021-05-26T10:43:19+00:00February 14, 2008|Planning & Design|

Whether you have just inherited a garden from a previous owner or are contemplating reworking your own handiwork of several years, it can often be difficult to imagine how what you want to do relates to what exists already. However, this is a vital part of any landscape redesign and [...]

Erecting an Outdoor Building

By |2021-05-26T10:43:20+00:00February 13, 2008|Outdoor Buildings|

Many kinds of garden buildings are widely available for self-assembly, bringing the opportunity to save a little money by erecting one for yourself. Although the prospect can sometimes seem a little daunting, especially if you have never put one up before, the instructions from most manufacturers are very clear, which [...]

Choosing and Using Roses

By |2021-05-26T10:43:20+00:00February 13, 2008|Soft Landscaping|

Roses have enjoyed a long and deserved reputation amongst both gardeners and poets through the ages – offering a bewildering diversity of colours, shapes, forms and fragrances, with enough variety and flexibility to suit any garden. With over 100 wild species and more than 13,000 cultivated varieties to chose from, [...]

Greenhouses, Conservatories and Sunhouses

By |2021-05-26T10:43:20+00:00February 13, 2008|Outdoor Buildings|

Greenhouses, conservatories and sunhouses in many ways are close relatives and although each has its own particular forte and no one can entirely substitute for any other, there is a large area of overlap. While for a large garden it may be possible to enjoy the luxury of all three, [...]

Garden Sheds and Summerhouses

By |2021-05-26T10:43:20+00:00February 13, 2008|Outdoor Buildings|

Of all the garden outbuildings, the shed remains one of the most popular and frequently erected. Whether used as a simple store for garden equipment, as a true potting shed or as a multi-functional space acting as combined tool storage, workshop and general household overspill, a shed is always a [...]

Pergolas, Arches and Trellises

By |2021-05-26T10:43:20+00:00February 6, 2008|Hard Landscaping|

Pergolas, arches and trellises are unbeatable additions to any patio, terrace or pathway, adding new height to the vertical dimension, while offering shelter, seclusion and a perfect support for any number of climbing plants. As architectural as they are functional, they can be made with simple, clean lines to suit [...]

Choosing and Using Decking

By |2021-05-26T10:43:20+00:00February 6, 2008|Hard Landscaping|

Long-established as the hard-surface of choice in warm, dry climates, decking has become increasingly popular in Britain over recent years – as its frequent appearance in the many gardening programmes on TV will testify. As a result, the range of types available – and the uses to which it has [...]

Choosing and Using Pavers, Setts, Tiles and Cobbles

By |2021-05-26T10:43:20+00:00February 6, 2008|Hard Landscaping|

While the word “patio” automatically conjures up the instant image of an area of paving slabs in almost everyone’s mind, despite their widespread use, those 18-inch (45cm) pre-cast concrete squares are not the only option available. Many garden centres and builders’ merchants stock a good variety of slab designs, offering [...]

Alternative Materials for Landscaping Use

By |2021-05-26T10:43:20+00:00February 6, 2008|Hard Landscaping|

While many of the materials used in landscaping projects have been around for years – with long-established track-records of successful use – there are many alternatives available for anyone looking for something a little different. Some of these are new materials, while others are old ones which simply fell out [...]

Using Shrubs to Full Effect

By |2021-05-26T10:43:21+00:00February 1, 2008|Soft Landscaping|

Shrubs form the backbone of the planting design, their architectural forms and enduring interest playing an important role in setting the overall tone of the whole garden. Aside of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and silhouettes, they also make a huge contribution to the colour palette with their large [...]

Rock, Gravel and Scree Gardens

By |2021-05-26T10:43:21+00:00January 30, 2008|Hard Landscaping|

For many of today’s gardeners, the inspiration to build planting areas amid stone and gravel comes from concerns over climate change and the increasingly common threat of drought; for others it is simply about creating the perfect environment to set off particular groups of plants. Whatever your reason – an [...]

Using Ornaments for Dramatic Effect

By |2021-05-26T10:43:21+00:00January 30, 2008|Hard Landscaping|

With the possible exception of the plants you choose, there are few elements in the garden which offer quite so much scope for an expression of individuality as ornaments – and it is not just about what pieces you have. Using ornaments for dramatic effect – making them a dynamic, [...]

Balconies and Roof Gardens

By |2021-05-26T10:43:22+00:00January 25, 2008|Hard Landscaping|

Balconies and flat roof spaces can offer a great opportunity to produce a really different sort of garden area and although they impose their own constraints on landscaping, with a little imagination, it is possible to create some quite extraordinary effects. As a true “outdoor room” these sorts of gardens [...]

Hard Landscaping Elements in Garden Design

By |2021-05-26T10:43:22+00:00January 25, 2008|Hard Landscaping|

For most landscaping projects, while the plants provide the colour and clothe the finished design, it is the elements of hard landscaping – the structures and surfaces – which provide the framework. Whether it is the privacy afforded by walls and fences, the shelter of trellis-work, or the practical access [...]

Ponds and Water Features

By |2021-05-26T10:43:22+00:00January 25, 2008|Hard Landscaping|

There are few gardens that will not benefit from some kind of pond or water feature and with today’s advanced range of liners and materials, coupled with the reliability and low-cost of modern pumps, building one has never been easier. Add to this the wide availability of ready-made fountains, ornaments, [...]

The Principles of Planting

By |2021-05-26T10:43:22+00:00January 25, 2008|Soft Landscaping|

Whatever the size of a landscaping job – from simply redeveloping an uninspiring or under-used corner to planning a whole new garden from scratch – once you have decided on the general features and layout, it’s time to think about picking your plants. For most gardeners this is probably top [...]

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